Our Vision is to facilitate outreaches, host discipleship training schools, and send teams to serve the Lord in the nations.


In 2016, a small YWAM team came to Long Beach to run the first ever Discipleship Training School (DTS) in the city. The idea was to do inner city outreach along side lecture phase to prepare students for outreach phase and beyond. During this first school, students participated in a blend of outreach and classroom time. Our outreaches included homeless ministry, working with single mothers and their children, evangelism, and on-site intercession. This DTS was a first step on pioneering a new YWAM location in Long Beach.

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Our Vision

Our Vision for YWAM Long Beach is to lead teams in evangelism, prayer, and mercy ministries in the city. There are two ways that we want to do this: leading discipleship schools and hosting outreach teams. We have a heart for discipling individuals and training them though teaching, small groups, practical outreach, overcoming challenges, and working together. Our ultimate dream is to become a YWAM location that is known for facilitating fruitful outreaches and hosting volunteers from all over the world in order to make lasting impact in our city. In addition to this, we want to send missionaries to serve the Lord in the nations. YWAM Long Beach has sent teams to Japan, Panama, Costa Rica, South Africa, and Nepal.


our outreaches

  • 5 Japan Trips

  • 2 Nepal Trips

  • 3000 food boxes delivered

  • 10,800 Hot Meals Served

  • 2,500 Bibles Distributed

  • 132 Dominoes Games

  • 32 Homeless Obtaining Sustainable Jobs and Housing

  • 5,513 Sack Lunches Served to Homeless

  • 180 Kids VBS taught the Gospel

  • 78 Street Worship Jam Sessions

  • 21 Women and Children rescued off the street

  • 10 Baking Classes taught

  • 9 Outreach Teams Hosted in Long Beach

  • 104 Bible Studies

  • 4 Love Feasts